Leopard print v Polka dot
Nie moglo zabraknac motywu zwierzecego w mojej stylizacji:) A Wy ktora wolicie?
The same outfit,but 2 different t-shirts. I added gold necklace with polka dot t-shirt. Obviously I couldn't forget about animal print in my outfit:)Which one do you prefer?
leopard print,
polka dot
Snakeskin print
Dzis chcialabym Wam pokazac buty ,jakie udalo mi sie dorwac na Fashion week'u.Nie sa to jednak buty od projektanta,ale ...ze stoiska Oxfam( charity shop).Sa nowiusienkie!Nie moglam uwierzyc,kiedy je zobaczylam:)Piekny zolty kolor i wezowy nadruk,ktory znowu gosci w modzie.Sa naprawde urocze:)
Today I would like to show you the new shoes I bought at Fashion week.I didn't buy them from designer, but from Oxfam stall:)These are absolutely new!I couldn't believe!Beautiful yellow colour and snakeskin print .I couldn't resist!These are really cute!What do you think?xxx
Photo 1-Snakeskin print featured in Elle magazine
Today I would like to show you the new shoes I bought at Fashion week.I didn't buy them from designer, but from Oxfam stall:)These are absolutely new!I couldn't believe!Beautiful yellow colour and snakeskin print .I couldn't resist!These are really cute!What do you think?xxx
Photo 1-Snakeskin print featured in Elle magazine
Elle magazine,
snake skin print,
New dress
Clements Ribeiro Portobello,
Newcastle Fashion Week 2013-fashion weeekend
W sobote bylam na Newcastle Fashion weekend ( czyli weekend rozpoczynajacy Newcastle Fashion week).Bylam bardzo podekscytowana z tego powodu,poniewaz juz od dawna chcialam wziac udzial w takim wydarzeniu.Niestety moje podekscytowanie znacznie opadlo,kiedy znalazlam sie juz na miejscu. Po pierwsze ,myslalam,ze bedzie o wiele wiecej ludzi,o wiele wiecej stoisk,o wiele wiecej pokazow,o wiele wiecej rozrywki i w ogole o wiele wiecej wszystkiego:)Pewnie pomyslicie,ze "ciagle mi malo",ale naprawde troche sie rozczarowalam.No moze jestem troche za bardzo wymagajaca?Nie wszystko jednak bylo takie zle.Podobal mi sie wywiad z ludzmi z branzy modowej,zatytuowany "Your future in fashion",gdzie moglismy dowiedziec sie ciekawych rzeczy dotyczacych np.pracy w magazynie modowym, pracy w ASOS, a takze bylo co nieco o blogowaniu i o tym jak zaistniec w swiecie mody.
Glownymi bochaterkami tej rozmowy byly: Samantha Bennett,Vintage Seller Development-ASOS Marketplace; Vita Taylor,Merchandising Manager-MOTEL,Victoria White -Editor of COMPANY magazine i blogerka Louise Wedderburn (Peaches and Roses),ktora takze prowadzi swoj kanal na Youtube.
Osoba ,ktora prowadzila cala impreze w sobote ,byla Caryn Franklin,ktora jest naprawde niesamowita.Caryn od wielu wielu lat pracuje jako producent,autorka i prezenterka programow telewizyjnych dotyczacych mody.Caryn byla rowniez wykladowca w The Royal College of Art,Central St.Martins i w London College of Fashion.Caryn prowadzi takze bloga "How to look good"-www.howtolookgood.com
Newcastle Fashion Week wciaz trwa ,az do 18-tego maja.Ja bylam w sobote .Jezeli pojawie sie jeszcze na jakims z pokazow to napewno zrobie o tym wpis na blogu:)
Niestety nie zrobilam zbyt wielu zdjec( z czego nie jestem dumna),ale nagralam filmik,ktory mozecie obejrzec ponizej.
Hi everyone:)On Saturday I went to Newcastle Fashion weekend(weekend starting Newcastle Fashion Week).I was so excited about it,unfortunately my excitement went a bit down after I arrived. First of all I thought it would be busier ,more people,more stalls,more fashion shows,etc...Probabaly you will think,that for me it's "never enough",but honestly I was a little bit dissapointed.I don't know,maybe I was expecting too much?I really like the panel talk with: Samantha Bennett,Vintage Seller Development-ASOS Marketplace; Vita Taylor,Merchandising Manager-MOTEL,Victoria White -Editor of COMPANY and blogger Louise Wedderburn (Peaches and Roses).The host of the day was Caryn Franklin and she was absolutely amazing(www.howtolookgood.com)
Newcastle Fashion Week is still on until the 18th of May.
I didn't take many photos(I'm totally not praud of it),but I recorded this video:
Lazy Sunday evening
Czesc kochani:)Jak Wam mija weekend? Po bardzo intensywnym dniu wczoraj(Newcastle Fashion Weekend) i dzisiejszym poranku(Chrzciny coreczki znajomych),dopadlo mnie straszne lenistwo.Siedze na kanapie,pije herbate,obejrze jeszcze w TV "The inbetweeners movie" i potem wskocze do lozka.Jezeli nie ogladaliscie tego filmu lub serialu to polecam,mozna sie usmiac(o ile ktos lubi taki rodzja humoru).Jezeli lubicie "American pie" to napewno polubicie "Inbetweeners":)
Jutro na blogu -relacja z Newcastle Fashion weekend:)
Zycze udanego wieczoru:)
Hi my lovelies:)How is your weekend going?After being very busy yesterday(Newcastle Fashion weekend) and today's morning(Christening of my friend's daughter),I feel very lazy right now.I'm sitting on my sofa,drinking tea:) I will watch "The inbetweeners movie"on Channel 4 and I will go to sleep after that.
Tomorrow on my blog-Newcastle Fashion Weekend:)
Have a lovely evening everyone:)xxx
Jutro na blogu -relacja z Newcastle Fashion weekend:)
Zycze udanego wieczoru:)
Hi my lovelies:)How is your weekend going?After being very busy yesterday(Newcastle Fashion weekend) and today's morning(Christening of my friend's daughter),I feel very lazy right now.I'm sitting on my sofa,drinking tea:) I will watch "The inbetweeners movie"on Channel 4 and I will go to sleep after that.
Tomorrow on my blog-Newcastle Fashion Weekend:)
Have a lovely evening everyone:)xxx
fashion weekend,
New in
black and white,
Red loafers and black&white blazer
Czesc kochani:) Ten weekend jest naprawde cudowny, jesli chodzi o pogode w UK.Slonecznie i cieplo. Wczoraj wybralam sie na dluuuugi spacer z moim psem i Ewa.Pomyslalam,ze tym razem to nie ja bede bohaterka tego posta ale wlasnie Ewa,a tak naprawde jej marynarka i czerwone buty:)
Hi everyone:)
This weekend's weather is absolutely amazing in the UK.Yesterday I went for a very long walk together with my dog and friend Ewa.I thought ,this time Ewa will be the "star" of this post:)Especially her blazer and lovely red loafers.
Hi everyone:)
This weekend's weather is absolutely amazing in the UK.Yesterday I went for a very long walk together with my dog and friend Ewa.I thought ,this time Ewa will be the "star" of this post:)Especially her blazer and lovely red loafers.
My purple dress and studded sneakers
black and white,
Michael Kors,
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